Why Gradle doesn’t provide “provided”?

EDIT May 10, 2016: Gradle 2.12 finally brings compileOnly dependency configuration for Java plugin (until then available only with WAR plugin). It does not model exactly what provided means in Maven, but covers most of the cases like using Java EE compile time dependencies in libraries, etc.

EDIT Jan 15, 2016: Gradle itself recently recommended nebula.provider-base plugin that introduces provided scope. I added build-nebula.gradle to the repo, check it out! Too bad I can’t link the resource, I simply cannot find it anymore, but the plugin works.

Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve been watching Gradle for around 3 years already, but except for primitive demos I didn’t have courage to switch to it. And – believe it or not – provided scope was the biggest practical obstacle in my case.

What is provided, anyway?

Ouch, now I got myself too. I know when to use it, or better said – I know with what kind of dependencies I use it. Use it with any dependency (mostly an API) that are provided (hence the name I guess :-)) at the runtime platform where your artifact will be run. Typical case is javax:javaee-api:7.0. You want to compile your classes that use various Java EE API. This one is kinda “javaee-all” and you can find separate dependencies for particular JSRs. But why not to make your life easier when you don’t pack this into your final artifact (WAR/EAR) anyway?

So it seems to be like compile (Maven’s default scope for dependencies) except that it should not be wrapped in WAR’s lib directory, right? I guess so, except that provided is not transitive, so you have to name it again and again, while compile dependencies are taken from upstream projects.

BTW: This is why I like writing blog posts – I have to make it clear to myself (sometimes not for the first time, of course). Maven’s dependency scopes are nicely described here.

But Gradle has provided!

Without being strict what Gradle is and what are its plugins, when you download Gradle, you can use this kind of scope – if you use ‘war’ plugin, just like in this simple example. If you want to run it (and other examples from this post), just try the following commands in git-bash (or adjust as necessary):

$ svn export https://github.com/virgo47/litterbin/trunk/demos/gradle-provided
$ cd gradle-provided
$ gradle -b build-war.gradle build

Works like a charm – but it’s WAR! Good thing is you can now really check that the provided dependency is not in the built WAR file, only Guava sits there in WEB-INF/lib directory. But often we just need JARs. Actually, when you modularize your project, you mostly work with JARs that are put together in a couple of final artifacts (WAR/EAR). That doesn’t mean you don’t need Java EE imports in these JARs – on the contrary.

So this providedCompile is dearly missed in Gradle’s java plugin. And we have to work around it.

Just Google it!

I tried. Too many results. Various results. Different solutions, different snippets. And nothing worked for me.

The main reason for my failures must have been the fact that I tried to apply various StackOverflow answers or blog advices into an existing project. I should have tried to create something super-simple first.

Recently I created my little “litterbin” project on GitHub. It contains any tests, demos or issue reproductions I need to share (mostly with my-later-self, or when I’m on a different computer). And today, finally, I tried to proof my latest “research” in provided scope – you can check various gradle.build files using vanilla aproach or propdeps plugins (read further). You can also “svn export” (download) the project as I showed higher and play with it.

My final result without using any fancy plugin is this:

apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'

repositories {

configurations {

sourceSets {
    main {
        compileClasspath += configurations.provided
        test.compileClasspath += configurations.provided
        test.runtimeClasspath += configurations.provided

// if you use 'idea' plugin, otherwise fails with: Could not find method idea() for arguments...
idea {
    module {
         * If you omit [ ] around, it fails with: Cannot change configuration ':provided' after it has been resolved
         * This is due Gradle 2.x using Groovy 2.3 that does not allow += for single elements addition.
         * More: https://discuss.gradle.org/t/custom-provided-configuration-not-working-with-gradle-2-0-rc2-in-multi-project-mode/2459
        scopes.PROVIDED.plus += [configurations.provided]
        downloadJavadoc = true
        downloadSources = true

dependencies {
    compile 'com.google.guava:guava:17.0'
    provided 'javax:javaee-api:7.0'

In the comments you can see the potential problems.

With strictly contained proof-of-concept “project” I can finally be sure what works and what doesn’t. If it works here and doesn’t work when combined with something else, the problem is somewhere else (or in the interaction of various parts of the build). Before I always tried to migrate some multi-module build from Maven, and although I tried to do it incrementally, it simply got over my head when I wanted to tackle provided dependencies.

Just use something pre-cooked!

If you want provided scope you can also use something that just gives it to you. Spring Boot plugin does, for instance, but it may also add something you don’t want. In this StackOverflow answer it was suggested to use propdeps plugin managed by Spring. This just adds the scope you may want – and nothing else. Let’s try it! I went to the page and copied the snippets – the build looked like this:

apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'

repositories {

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'http://repo.spring.io/plugins-release' }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.springframework.build.gradle:propdeps-plugin:0.0.6'

configure(allprojects) {
    apply plugin: 'propdeps'
    apply plugin: 'propdeps-maven'
    // following line causes Cannot change configuration ':provided' with Gradle 2.x (uses += without [ ] internally)
    apply plugin: 'propdeps-idea'
    apply plugin: 'propdeps-eclipse'

dependencies {
    compile 'com.google.guava:guava:17.0'
    provided 'javax:javaee-api:7.0'

As the added comment suggest, it wasn’t complete success. Without IDEA plugin and the section, it worked. But the error with the IDEA parts was this:

Cannot change configuration ':provided' after it has been resolved.

You google and eventually find this discussion, where the key message by Peter Niederwieser (core Gradle developer) is:

Gradle 2 updated to Groovy 2.3, which no longer supports the use of ‘+=’ for adding a single element to a collection. So instead of ‘scopes.PROVIDED.plus += configurations.provided’ it’s now ‘scopes.PROVIDED.plus += [configurations.provided]’.

Funny part is, that it is actually fixed in the spring-projects/gradle-plugins version 0.0.7, they have just forgotten to update the examples in the README. 🙂 So yeah, with 0.0.7 instead of 0.0.6 in the example, it works fine.

How can this stop you?

Maybe provided scope is not that trivial. Scope is actually not the right word in Gradle world, but my mentality and vocabulary is rooted in Maven world after all the years. If provided was obvious and easy they’d probably resolve this never ending story already. Now the issue is polluted with advocates for the scope (yeah, I didn’t resist either) and it’s difficult to understand what the problem is on the side of the Gradle team, except it seems they’re just ignoring it for a couple of years.

Original reporter claimed it doesn’t make sense to stay with Maven for this – and he is right. He is also right that many developers don’t understand how Configuration works (true for me as well) and how it relates to ClassLoader (true again). I’ve read some Gradle book and read many parts of the manual, trouble is that my problems were always about migrating existing Maven builds. Not big ones, but definitely multi-module with provided dependencies. And it really is not easy from this position.

I successfully used Gradle for one-time projects, demos, etc. Every time I try to learn something new about it. I acknowledge that building domain is a hard domain. Gradle has good documentation, but it doesn’t mean it’s always easy to find the right recipe. I never worked with a team where someone was dedicated for this task and I was mostly (and sadly) the best learned member when it came to builds with tons of other stuff on my hands. (Sorry for rant. It springs from the fact that builds are considered secondary matter, or worse. And there is too much primary concerns anyway.)

When one doesn’t know how to get to “provided” scope – that was available “for free” in Maven – any obstacle seems much bigger than it really is. There is simply too much we don’t know when we tackle the Gradle the first time. Nobody tells you “don’t use propdeps-plugin:0.0.6, try 0.0.7 instead”.

Or you get Gradle like message “Cannot change configuration ‘:provided’ after it has been resolved” which is probably perfectly OK from Gradle point of view – it nicely covers underlying technology. But it also covers the root cause that Groovy 2.3 simply doesn’t support += without wrapping the right side into […] – and even that only in some cases:

// correct line, but fails without [ ]
idea { module { scopes.PROVIDED.plus += [configurations.provided] }}

Even –stacktrace –debug will not help you to find the root cause. Maybe if you’d debug the build in IDE, but I’m definitely not there yet (not with Gradle, I debug Maven builds sometimes).

I hope you can now appreciate how subtle the whole problem is and how much difficulty it may cause.

provided or providedCompile?

And that is another trick – people call it differently. “providedCompile” is probably more Gradle-like (and available with war plugin), “provided” is what we are used to from Maven. Now imagine you experiment with various solutions how to introduce this kind of scope – that is you test different plugins. And all these call it differently. Every time you have to go to your dependency list and fix it there, or wonder why it doesn’t work when you forget. It just adds to the chaos when you already navigate unknown territory.

And it also nicely underlines the fact how much it is missing for java plugin out of the box. Because “it is supported in ‘war’ plugin” is not satisfactory answer. I want to use Java EE imports in my JAR that may be later put to WAR. Or I may run it in embedded container that will be declared with different dependencies. “This mostly affects only library developers” is also not true. Sure, it affects my Java Simon (which is a library), but I used provided scope for JAR modules on every single project in my past.

Now imagine this is your first battle with Gradle (which more or less was in my case). How should I be confident about releasing to Maven Central? It reportedly works, but then, for experienced Gradle users everything is easy…


During my research I found also the article Provided Scope in Gradle. I don’t know how accurate it is for Gradle 2.x or whether Android guys didn’t solve it already somehow. Author added nice pictures and also started with “What is provided anyway?” question (I swear it was a natural choice for my first subheader too :-)). And again it just shows how much complicated Gradle builds are when it’s not available out of the box.

It doesn’t mean I don’t want to try to get to Gradle build. I don’t like Maven’s rigidity – although I appreciate the conventions and I’ll follow those with my Gradle builds too. But sometimes you just want to switch something from false to true – and it takes 10 XML lines. You may say, meh! But it means you see less on the screen, builds are not readable, etc. And we already agreed, I hope, that building is a (potentially) complex domain. Readability is a must.

Sure there is something about polyglot Maven, but there is still also the issue with the lack of flexibility. I’m absolutely convinced that Gradle is the way to go. I tried it for simple things and I liked it, and I have no doubt I’ll learn it well enough to master bigger builds too.

Hopefully, provided will not be problem anymore. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Why Gradle doesn’t provide “provided”?

  1. I can attest this works with experimental gradle 2.5 in android studio. Saved me big time from continually bumping up against my dex limit due to lack of provided scope.

    Good work and thanks!!

    1. I added EDIT at the beginning, Gradle 2.12 brings “compileOnly” for Java plugin which is a hassle-free solution for 95% of “provided”.

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